Imagine building the stream alert animation of your dreams with a few clicks and without the need for proper design skills or multiple tools. We liked this thought and worked on a brand-new Sound Alerts feature — the Alert Animation Editor. Using it, you can assemble an alert animation focused on your stream's requirements in a simple yet powerful web editor in the Sound Alerts Dashboard. Curious about the specifics? Let us walk you through all the essential features below.
TLDR — Getting Started with our Alert Animation Editor
If you want to skip our showcases of the different features and just want to get started creating your alert animations, follow these simple steps:
- Head over to the Sound Alerts Dashboard
- Visit the "Animations" section
- Open your Alert Animation Inventory
- Click on "Add new Animation"
- Select "Custom"
After that, use the editor to produce and finetune your animation in a few minutes.

Main Features of our Alert Animation Editor
The Alert Animation Editor is a great way to enable a personal visual touch on your stream — we created it with accessibility in mind, allowing you to use it via drag-and-drop and no prior design knowledge. The key functionalities include:
- Use text, image, video, and GIF elements and place them via the drag-and-drop editor
- Assemble your animation in multiple editable layers
- Choose between various fade-in/fade-out effects
- Upload your own media files
- Utilize advanced font settings and customization options for all elements
- Test your animations directly in the editor
- Create multiple variations and summarize them within one animation entry

Compatibility of the Alert Animation Editor
The Sound Alerts ecosystem enables synergies between all of our tools and features — this is why the Alert Animation Editor is compatible with almost all current alert types. This list includes:
- Twitch Extension alerts
- Channel Points alerts
- Other event alert types, such as Follows, Subs, or Hype Trains
- Text-to-Speech alerts

The Future of the Alert Animation Editor
This release is the first version of the Alert Animation Editor. In one of the next updates, you can release your designs to the Sound Alerts community, making them available in the Alert Animation Store. Our ultimate goal is to allow streamers and designers to enrich each other with great stream animations in the future. In the meantime, you can also use one of the free 40+ alert animations we have already released with some of the most talented designers in the streaming space.

Thank you for using Sound Alerts, and keep an eye on our Twitter account to receive more updates on the status of the Alert Animation Editor. Happy streaming!