Combining a streaming tool with a darts event seems like a silly marketing stunt, right? Well, we did, in fact, just that and partnered up with the Creator Darts Championships in Germany (Influencer Darts WM 2024) presented by HandOfBlood, which resulted in much more than just another branding opportunity. Let us tell you how we activated TTS messages in front of a 2,000-person crowd, created a Sound Alerts candy bar, designed the first Sound Alerts drink coasters — and much more — in our event diary.
Let's start at the Beginning of our Darts Journey
The strategy behind Sound Alerts sponsorships always involves providing value to creators and viewers during livestreams or on-site happenings. With this goal in mind, we are constantly seeking unique events that we can connect with our streaming tech and the Sound Alerts ecosystem.
The German Creator Darts Championships 2024 assemble some of the most notable streamers in Germany for a fully-fledged Darts tournament in the Uber Eats Music Hall. A vibrant atmosphere, music acts, and many other shenanigans are the main focus while creating this spectacular Twitch event.

After the initial event announcement, we immediately contacted HandOfBlood's team to figure out if there was a way to combine Sound Alerts with this one-of-a-kind Twitch sensation. We aligned our vision for the event on a few core aspects, including
- A live showcase of Sound Alerts features via on-site Text-to-Speech alerts audible in the livestream
- An immersive on-site experience featuring a unique photo box allowing people to transform into Sound-Alerts-themed darts players
- An upgrade of the creator aftershow party with a Sound Alerts candy bar
- Various other smaller activities like Sound Alerts drink coasters, or a stage branding
With that plan in mind, we initiated the design processes for various assets and synced with the event team to finalize everything needed to ensure this collaboration will succeed.

It's Showtime!
The doors of the event venue opened on the 26th of July — this day was destined to become a magical one. We saw many creators with great darts performances, concerts by DJ Ötzi and Malle Anja, along with sold-out rows full of passionate fans. Watch the Sound Alerts highlights below!
Our Text-to-Speech alerts resulted in some memorable show moments. They allowed chatters to participate in the fun on-site and created a versatile element that helped bridge the gap between the chatters and the show hosts.
The Sound Alerts photo booth allowed many visitors to take their personal darts memory home and learn more about Sound Alerts along the way.

Our Sound Alerts candy bar added a twist to the fantastic aftershow party. It was the perfect complement to a well-rounded evening above Berlin's roofs.

All our other smaller activities created a unique set of showcases for Sound Alerts that made this event a very special one — let us know if you could snatch one of the drink coasters.

The Aftermath
The show peaked at 70K+ live viewers on Twitch and received a lot of positive feedback from the community — especially because of the on-site atmosphere. And while it was not on our To-Do list to become the sponsor of a Darts event, we wouldn't want to miss it now.

A massive shout-out to the team at INSTINCT3/HandOfBlood and our designer, Marco, for making this vision a reality. Maybe we need to work on a darts design for our Animation Store if there will be another iteration of this show. If you want to stay updated on all things Sound Alerts, make sure to follow our socials. Happy streaming!