23 May 2024 Changelog — New Alerts & More

23 May 2024 Changelog — New Alerts & More

We're back with another changelog, showcasing exciting new updates for your streaming experience. Dive in as we unravel the latest additions and fixes of Sound Alerts!

Unveiling new Features 

Our team assembled some significant updates — here are the most prominent new changes:

Introducing Shoutout Alerts

Honor and support your favorite streamers and chatters with our newest alert type. Simply set up the Shoutout alert in your Other Alert section and use the command /shoutout @username in your chat to send a personalized Shoutout.

This image shows the UI of the Shoutout Alerts for Twitch.
Use Shoutout Alerts to honor and support your fellow streamers

Hype Train Levels! 

We improved our Hype Train alert, and you can finally add multiple alerts for different levels. Go to the Other Alert section and set up different alerts based on the Hype Train level.

This image shows the UI of the Hype Train alert in Sound Alerts.
Create multiple Hype Train alerts with Hype Train levels

Enhanced Scenes Overview Page

The scenes overview page now features improved thumbnails, giving you a clear visual preview of each scene. This enhancement makes it easier to manage and select the perfect scenes for your stream. Visit the Scene Editor now and check out the new thumbnails of your scenes.

Scene Editor Thumbnails displaying Widgets

Custom TTS Duration Limit

You can now input your custom duration limit for Text-to-Speech alerts (TTS). This new flexibility allows you to filter long TTS messages that would otherwise disrupt your streaming flow. 

This image shows the TTS limit setting in the Sound Alerts Dashboard settings.
Set up your TTS limit in a few clicks

Chat Widget CSS Editor Upgrade

We've made significant improvements to the Chat widget’s CSS editor:

  • Prebuilt design examples: Three simple prebuilt design examples are now available at the top-right of the sidebar, making it easier for you to get started with custom CSS.
  • Draggable CSS modal: The CSS modal is now draggable, providing a more flexible and user-friendly editing experience.
This image shows three available CSS templates for the Sound Alerts chat box overlay.
Our CSS templates will help you get started with the chat overlay of your dreams

Trending Search in the Library

Discover what's trending! We've added trending search suggestions directly below the search bar in the Library. This feature helps you stay on top of popular content and find new, exciting alerts to enhance your stream.

This image shows the new trending search in the Sound Alerts Dashboard.
Find the newest alert trends for your stream in no time

Animation Editor Templates

When you dive into creating your next alert masterpiece, you can kickstart your project with a premade template or start from scratch. Happy animating!

This image shows the new alert animation templates in the Sound Alerts Animation Editor.
You can select one of three available templates

Next Up

Our team is committed to continually enhancing your streaming journey. We'll unveil news about our next big features soon. We hope you enjoyed this summary of changes to Sound Alerts: Make sure to follow our socials and the Ideas Board to stay up-to-date with all things Sound Alerts. Until next time, happy streaming! 🎉

This image shows the Sound Alerts mascot with a check mark next to it.
Thank you for using Sound Alerts — we hope you enjoy the new additions
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