New Feature: Additional Twitch Extension Designs

New Feature: Additional Twitch Extension Designs

The ability to customize your Sound Alerts experience is one of the application's essential parts. With that in mind, we are constantly seeking ways to improve your ability to individualize Sound Alerts. Starting today, you can select additional colors for the design of your Twitch Extension. We hope this enables you to find additional ways to match your brand style.

The following colors will be available in the "Settings" section of your dashboard (Just select your favorite in the dropdown menu at "Extension Theme Color"):

  • Cherry
  • Grass
  • Turquoise
  • Ocean
This image displays four of the new 8 Twitch Extension designs for Sound Alerts: Cherry, Grass, Turquoise, and Ocean.
The new Sound Alerts Twitch Extension colors: Cherry, Grass, Turquoise, and Ocean
  • Pink
  • Blush
  • Gray
  • Dark
This image displays four of the new 8 Twitch Extension designs for Sound Alerts: Pink, Blush, Gray and Dark.
The new Sound Alerts Twitch Extension colors: Pink, Blush, Gray, and Dark

This first update to our Twitch Extension is part of a series of tweaks and new features we will enable soon, so keep an eye out for those. You can enable the new colors in the dashboard settings.

This image shows how you can enable these new colors with the "Extension Theme Color" setting in the Sound Alerts dashboard.
You can enable these colors with the "Extension Theme Color" setting

You can request new features in our idea board and join our Discord server to become a part of our content creator community.

Thank you for using our Sound Alerts - we will keep you posted about new features, and updates on the Sound Alerts socials and this blog. Until then - happy streaming!

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