Relive 2022 through #MyYearWithSoundAlerts

Relive 2022 through #MyYearWithSoundAlerts

2022 is in the books, and we want to grant you one final look at all the exciting achievements you reached throughout the year: It is time to reveal #MyYearWithSoundAlerts — our version of a sharable year review including all your Sound Alerts milestones for 2022

Your Sound Alerts Year Review

To find your images, simply visit this page. Download them and post them on Twitter/Instagram, including #MyYearWithSoundAlerts and @SoundAlertsApp, to participate in our gift card giveaway (more info below).

This image shows some of the details of the Sound Alerts year review 2022 giveaway.
Win awesome prizes in the Sound Alerts year review 2022 giveaway

Key Features of #MyYearWithSoundAlerts

We wanted our year review to be simple, fun, and shareable — to achieve this goal, we implemented the following features

  • Export your year review in 16x9 and 9x16 to match the social platform of your choice.
  • Scan the QR code on the year review page to download the graphics on your mobile device in no time.
  • Explore a total of four channel statistics.
This image shows the Sound Alerts year review statistics of filian.
A showcase of the Sound Alerts year review of filian

And — drum roll, please — these are the top 10 streamers by the total number of alerts on their channel in 2022:

  1. Kaceytron — 47,296 alerts
  2. filian — 43,332 alerts
  3. SG_Vigilante — 36,363 alerts
  4. themisfithoodlums — 33,530 alerts
  5. senpi_dragon — 30,710 alerts
  6. kf0617 — 28,331 alerts
  7. Mxddy — 27,232 alerts
  8. nokainlive — 25,547 alerts
  9. royal_lama — 24,777 alerts
  10. DropDeadFam — 24,144 alerts

Our 2022 Year Review

The release of #MyYearWithSoundAlerts is the right time to share some of our 2022 achievements. We assembled them in an infographic that might be familiar if you have already explored your year review. We welcomed more than 400K new streamers to the existing 2M+ content creators on Sound Alerts, which is mindblowing. 2022 was an exciting year for us, and we are motivated to deliver more valuable tools to content creators in 2023. Thank you for your tremendous support.

This image shows the yearly statistics of Sound Alerts in 2022.
These are some of our 2022 milestones

The #MyYearWithSoundAlerts Giveaway

We encourage you to share your 2022 milestones on the socials by raffling off six $100 gift cards for Amazon or Steam (your choice) among the people sharing their year review graphics. To participate, you will simply have to follow these steps:

  1. Download your graphics on this page.
  2. Share them on Twitter or Instagram using #MyYearWithSoundAlerts and @SoundAlertsApp, or post them on the dedicated channel in the Sound Alerts Discord.
  3. You completed all steps — five gift cards will be raffled off on the socials, and the last one within our Discord.

The giveaway terms can be found here.

The Sound Alerts year review logo for #MyYearWithSoundAlerts.
Enjoy your highlights of 2022 by using the Sound Alerts year review feature.

Thank you

We appreciate all your support and feedback — 2023 will be an even more fantastic year! You can request new features in our idea board and join our Discord server to become a part of our content creator community.

Thank you for using Sound Alerts—we will keep you posted about new features and updates on the Sound Alerts socials and this blog. Until then—happy streaming!

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