Four years full of exciting livestream highlights, four years full of jumpscares, four years full of updates, and four years full of not-so-smelly farts: Four exciting years, to say the least. We are immensely excited to celebrate the fourth anniversary together with you all around the globe.
We would like to take this opportunity to reflect on some of our most prominent milestones and showcase some of our plans for the near future with upcoming product updates and highly requested new features.
Anniversary Giveaway

It wouldn't be a proper anniversary without some gifts, right? Participate in our Sound Alerts anniversary giveaway and win gift cards for Amazon, Steam, Xbox, or the Nintendo eShop. You can find the giveaway over at
Four years of Sound Alerts
In human years, Sound Alerts would almost be in the elementary school now: This does not suggest that our team of seven was not able to accomplish some groundbreaking things in the meantime. The following infographic will showcase some of our accomplishments throughout the existence of Sound Alerts.

We hope these numbers will provide some context and exciting insights into the Sound Alerts cosmos and our products.
Product Update: New Extension Designs (soon™)

The ability to customize your Sound Alerts experience is one of the application's essential parts. With that in mind, we are constantly seeking ways to improve your ability to individualize Sound Alerts. Starting very soon, you can select additional colors for the design of your Twitch extension. We hope that this enables you to find different ways to match your brand style.
The following colors will be available in the "Settings" section of your dashboard (Just select your favorite in the dropdown menu at "Extension Theme Color").
- Cherry
- Orange
- Yellow
- Grass
- Green
- Turquoise
- Blue
- Ocean
- Purple
- Pink
- Blush
- Grey
- Dark-Grey
New Feature: Text-to-Speech Alerts (soon™)

With text-to-speech alerts, you can add a new alert category to your Sound Alerts Twitch Extension. These will enable your viewers to send you individualized messages that will be read aloud on your livestream. The best thing is that the alerts will be displayed as standard alerts through your Sound Alerts browser source, and you can add them to the creator dashboard with ease.
You will be able to apply a custom Bits amount or offer them completely for free during your talking segments to add an additional layer of interaction with your chat. The text-to-speech alerts will launch soon, and we will update you about the exact release on our socials.
Thank you
This is it for our anniversary update this year. We hope that you are as excited for the future of Sound Alerts as we are. We promise to deliver constant improvements for the Sound Alerts ecosystem and its products in the years to come.
You can request new features in our idea board and join our Discord server to become a part of our content creator community.
Thank you for using our Sound Alerts - we will keep you posted about new features, and updates on the Sound Alerts socials and this blog. Until then - happy streaming!