The ultimate Console Streaming Sound Alerts Guide

The ultimate Console Streaming Sound Alerts Guide

Livestreaming with your console setup enables various content opportunities for console-exclusive games or people who do not enjoy playing their games on a PC setup. Streaming your console gameplay involves some technical challenges — especially when implementing all your streaming software and audio. This tutorial will show you how to implement stream alerts into your console streaming setup so you can still enjoy the interactive benefits while playing on your XboxPlayStation, or Nintendo Switch.

The best Tool for Console Sound Alerts

Our all-in-one tool Sound Alerts is compatible with all common console streaming setups and lets you activate alerts for all alert types on Twitch, including Channel PointsBitsSubsFollowsCheers, and more. The setup will take less than 10 minutes, and you can follow the video guide below to get started using OBS.

How to set up Sound Alerts for your Console Stream

If you stream using a Nintendo Switch, PS5 or Xbox for your stream, you will need the following things to make your alerts work in your livestream:

  • streaming PC with a software like OBSStreamlabs Desktop, Twitch Studio or a Cloud streaming solution like Lightstream (if you do not have a streaming PC)
  • console capture card (we recommend Elgato products but other brands will work as well)
  • Your console (can be a PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, or something else that uses an HDMI output)
This image shows the tool Sound Alerts which is compatible with console livestreaming on Twitch.
Sound Alerts is fully compatible with console streaming

After connecting your console to your streaming PC and making sure that your audio and video signals are working correctly, it is time for you to set up the console sound alerts with the following steps:

  1. Visit the Sound Alerts Dashboard Setup Page and implement your browser source into your broadcast software (OBS, Streamlabs, Twitch Studio, or something else)
  2. Optional — Activate the Sound Alerts Twitch Extension to enable a soundboard for your viewers
  3. Go to the "My Alerts" section of your Sound Alerts Dashboard
  4. Select the alert type you want to create — for this example, we will create a Follower alert
  5. Click on "Other Alerts" on the right
  6. Click on "Add new Alert Event" and select "New Follow"
  7. Customize your Follower alert by selecting a sound, an animation, TTS, and more on the right side
  8. Make sure to test the alert by opening OBS and pressing the "Test in browser source" button on the bottom right side
  9. Congratulations — you created your first console streaming sound alert; repeat the steps above for other alert types if you like
This image shows you how to create console sound alerts for your stream via the Dashboard.
Create all types of stream alerts for your console streams via the Dashboard

Enhance your Console Livestreams

Sound Alerts lets you add other funny interactive elements to your console livestream, such as Text-to-speechVideo Share, or Channel Points alerts. Make sure to explore the Dashboard and follow us on our socials to stay up-to-date. Happy streaming!

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