Welcome to Sound Alerts

Welcome to Sound Alerts

Welcome to Sound Alerts!


Your favorite streaming tool to engage with your community and increase your income on Twitch. We are glad to see you here on the new Sound Alerts blog.

But what is Sound Alerts? It is an extension for Twitch streamers who can choose different Sound Alerts out of a library with more than half a million uploaded sounds.

Viewers are able to play these sounds through Bits or Channel Points while the streamer is live. This is an amazing way to engage with your viewers in a new way, include them into your stream and increase your income through Bits.

Let your viewers applause to your glorious victory in battle royal or let them scare the hell out of you with some wonderful scream sounds while playing a horror game. Whatever you are looking for – we have the matching sound for it. And if not, you can just upload your custom sound.

The Sound Alerts family is constantly growing and we love to see this! To make sure you’re getting the best we can offer, we are growing and improving, too.

With this blog we are here to provide you with the latest news about Sound Alerts & Twitch and helpful advice and information for you as a streamer – so stay tuned! 


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